Hi and welcome :)

My name is Joce Aucoin. I’m a writer and artist, co-owner of the late/great Lujo Records, author/illustrator of poetry comic, Multitudes, creator of the Ojai Creatives online community, etc. etc..

The only thing you really need to know: I like to create and help others create.

Jump + Pray is a newsletter about that. My weekly letters are a collage: of art, writing, what I’m learning, what I’m loving, what’s inspiring me.

Creativity is brave

Living a creative life (in a capitalist society) is brave. I hope you create what’s in your heart to create and I hope that if you’re having trouble doing that, that this little newsletter can get you closer.

Where you’ll find me

Of course, you can subscribe to Jump + Pray. Emails are weekly(ish) and short. I try to keep it around a 3 minute read.

You can also support my Patreon. $5/month gets you a postcard of original art in the mail (actual, real mail!) every month.

Lastly, if online community is your thing and you’re local to Ojai, follow along the Ojai Creatives instagram. It’s a friendly, vibrant and supportive community of makers, artists and creatives. We’d love to have you online or in person.

Joceaucoin.com is my home on the web. Thank you for reading. I hope you live a big, creative life. Jump + pray!

Subscribe to Jump + Pray

Jump + Pray is a weekly newsletter of art, writing, and inspiration for living a creative life.


A feeling thing in the world.