That I might be ever-drawn into that which makes my heart come alive
The things you find when you clean up.
Happy Friday, guys.
It’s been a week, huh? So much going on in the world and in individual lives. I hope you are safe and happy and healthy wherever this finds you and I hope that if you’re struggling, you have a friend or two to lean on.
It’s cheesy but true what they say: we get through things together. We’re never alone. Human beings are their most beautiful when they are helping one another. If you need help, ask. And if you can help someone, help them.
You know what else helps? Cleaning. Seriously. It really is satisfying and, if you’re like me, the job is never-ending. There is always something that needs cleaning. Lucky me.
Part of cleaning for me today meant deleting stuff from my computer desktop. That’s when I came across this manifesto:
Can’t read that without welling up. Don’t know who wrote it. Was it was me?
Sometimes that happens. Sometimes I look back on my work I think, Did I write that? Who wrote that? Who made that? Also, how?
So, maybe I wrote this. And maybe someone else did.
Regardless, it’s beautiful and I wanted to share it. I agree with every single word. I hope it inspires you. This year has started off rough for a lot of people and when shit hits the fan it’s good to remind ourselves of our why.
And hey - we have a whole year to go. So many months and weeks of possibility and for things to go right. For things to work out.
They will, they will.
Where your fear is, there your task is. — Carl Jung
With a lot of love,