What's meant for us finds a way ⛵
jump + pray | dispatch 0004
I'd like to believe that the things that are meant for us don't pass us by. That relationship, that job, that opportunity, that idea. I'd like to think that if we miss the boat the first time, that boat will come back around.
I haven't always believed this.
I used to think that if we missed that boat, it was gone for good. Good riddance! Bye! See you never! But time is a truth-teller, and I'm old enough now *cough cough* to look back on my life and see that there's always another boat. It may not look exactly the same as the last one, but it's coming.
And there's comfort in that. It takes some pressure off. Because we're not always ready for what comes our way. We might be scared. Maybe we get sea sick. Maybe there's a global pandemic. Let's just say, we have our reasons.
John Lennon: There’s nowhere we can be that isn’t where we're meant to be.
What's meant for us finds a way. Even through a pandemic, the emotional spiraling, the paycheck panic. I know the drill just as much as the next guy. I aIso know that the past holds wisdom for the future and that those boats, well, I think I can see them on the horizon.
I hope they find us ready to jump and pray!
My lovely friend, Robin, has started a new Substack called Creative Letters. Of this new venture she says "my hope is that it can be the breath that ignites the spark — for you, for me, for anyone who needs it."
“Doing and making are acts of hope.” I enjoy following Kara Kramer on Instagram. She's illustrated a new book about Corita Kent! Make Meatballs Sing: A Loving Illustrated Celebration of the Radical Nun, Artist, Teacher, and Activist Corita Kent
Just sending POSITIVE vibes to any1 who is feeling unproductive or down & out…Just know you have a PURPOSE! & things don’t always happen at the speed you want them to🙅🏾♀️ Be PATIENT🙌🏾 just wanted to send a lil MOTIVATION incase you are feeling defeated..Keep pushing!
— Missy Elliott (@MissyElliott) October 28, 2021
Enjoy the ride,
<3 Joce