Experiment with your life.

Woah. Look who's in your inbox. It's me. I know. You thought I was gone forever. Well, never say never because here I am!Â
And I'm excited to share news. Big news about a tiny book. See below!Â
And I also want to say that it's never too late to start again. Life can trick us sometimes into believing we're stuck. But if nothing else, life is for trying things. Experimenting. So drop it in the pool and see what makes a splash! Run it up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it! Put it in a saucer and see if the cat licks it up! (She just might surprise you.)

...a mini comic! What I thought would be a book, will be 4 mini books of sorts. The first is a comic that will be out soon! I'm calling the series 'Multitudes'. Check out the cover

...two recent discoveries: Phoria and Novo Amor. Both artists are super atmospheric and beautiful. Nothing short of stunning. Grab a tissue.Â
Loss by Phoria & Callow by Novo Amor